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Have you heard about 『Active Birth』

Active Birth is the process of a mother's demand on how and where to experience childbirth.

You won't be satisfied with your childbirth just by following the hospital’s instructions.

Mother and baby are the main focus in the childbirth event.

An expecting mother that takes a proactive approach to pregnancy will have a wonderful birth experience.


mom and baby
Mejiro Birth House promotes and practices "Active Birth" for you and your baby.

Active Birth is a birth event where Mother and baby perform all the essential actions for a harmonious and beautiful childbirth.
Pregnancy is the most natural process a woman can experience and is the starting point of parenting.
You are individual and independent, and so is your pregnancy. Nursing and breastfeed are individual and independent as well. There is no ideal method for nursing, and as a new mother your Active Birth experience will naturally guide you.


Mother and baby are strongly bonded to each other. Your physical and emotional health reflects on your baby.


Mejiro Birth House respects your ideal of a positive childbirth and stands by you to support your pregnancy. We provide guidance to your baby-care and parenting after delivery. Giving birth in a foreign country far away from home may give you a deep sense of anxiety and we strive to comfort and support you for a healthy birth.
Please contact us.
Our door is always opened to discuss your pregnancy, birthing, and nursing concerns.


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